What's New? > Breaking Changes in SciChart WPF SDK v7
Breaking Changes in SciChart WPF SDK v7

When upgrading SciChart WPF to v7 of the SDK we have taken great care to preserve the original API.

There are very few breaking changes in the SciChart WPF v7 SDK (vs. version 6.x). We are hoping that for most customers SciChart WPF v7 is a drop-in replacement.

In the majority of cases, SciChart WPF v7 should be a drop-in replacement for customers of SciChart WPF v6, with a very high proportion of backward compatible APIs.


A list of breaking changes that we know about are found below. If you find more and require assistance, simply contact-us and our team will be happy to help.

What Backward Compatibility Testing have we done?

At SciChart we make an SDK consumed by thousands of developers worldwide, and don’t have access to all of your code. We do however, have access to our own WPF Examples, Sandbox, Tutorials and Test-Cases. To that end, we have analyzed backward compatibility by installing the SciChart WPF SDK v7 into SciChart WPF v6 examples/tutorials/test-cases to check for breaking changes. We have published the source code to show this upgrade here.

SciChart WPF SDK v7 is highly backward compatible with SciChart WPF v6, with some minor breaking changes listed below.

Minimum .NET Framework Version raised to 4.6.2

SciChart WPF v7 now targets .NET Core 3.1, .NET 6.0 and .NET Framework 4.6.2. Microsoft has ended support for .NET Frameworks earlier than 4.5.2 in 2022. As a result, we have had to raise the minimum supported .NET Framework Version to v4.6.2 in SciChart WPF v7.

SciChart WPF Demo App Restyled

The branding, colors, styles & visuals of the WPF Demo App have been updated. These changes impacted most of the examples and auxiliary SciChart.Examples.ExternalDependencies library. Updated Demo Application, including source code of all SciChart WPF examples, can be found on our Github at this link.

As the result of these changes, examples exported from previous SciChart WPF Demo may fail to compile after upgrading dependencies to SciChart v7.x. Please export examples from the updated SciChart WPF Demo version or clone them from this repository on Github.

Upgrade Consultancy Services Available

As a paid customer of SciChart WPF if you are within your support subscription, then you will get access to SciChart WPF v7 for free.

What your support subscription covers is:

  • Access to (ability to develop applications with all major/minor versions of SciChart)
  • Bug fixes, updates
  • Technical support ‘how do I do X’ questions as well as assistance on best-practice implementing the software.
  • Best practice advice on getting the best performance out of SciChart.

What we don’t include is:

  • Custom work such as new features or enhancements or workarounds to the chart.
  • Performance analysis of your applications to improve application speed with SciChart (or wider performance analysis)
  • Upgrading your applications to the latest versions when you have lots of customisation.

For these ‘not included’ aspects of technical support, our consultants are available to help you on a one-to-one basis, coding or advising over Skype/Zoom/Webconference and assisting you to upgrade to the latest version, and performance profile or tune your applications to be the best they can be.

If you require these services, then get in contact with sales, and we can provide a quote for hourly work.

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